Puuurrrrfect Pose, Cosplay Fanatic’s Ari-Kiri Catwoman Cosplay

Puuurrrrfect Pose, Cosplay Fanatic’s Ari-Kiri Catwoman Cosplay
HOMETOWN: Arizona/California
RESIDENCE: Phoenix, Arizona
SCHOOL: I’m in nursing school, won’t say which one 😉
HOBBIES: I love to bake and be outdoors. I’m kind of into aliens lol!
ZODIAC SIGN: The best sign… Sagittarius
CF. How did you get into cosplay, who did you portray first, and why?
AK:I actually got into cosplay before I knew what cosplay was. My first job at age 16 was being a Disney princess for little children’s birthday parties; I was Jasmine, Snow White, and sometimes a Tinkerbell fairy friend. It was a lot of fun and I have loved dressing up ever since! This Catwoman shoot is my first professional cosplay shoot 🙂 Thank you Cosplay Fanatic!
CF. What’s the best part of cosplay?
AK:I think the best part of cosplay is getting to be someone else for a little bit, but adding your flair. I love the creativity that people put into their cosplay costumes. AMAZING!
CF. If you could be any super hero or villain who would you be and why?
AK:If I could be any super villain is Enchantress (the Enchantress created by Loki). I choose her because she has one of the best masters, Loki. Loki is not really a villain when you read the comics, more of a cunning and sly man. I love his style with which he executes his plans! Being his female apprentice would be amazing, and give me the chance to one up my mentor 😉 I love intelligence in characters!
CF. If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would you say to them?
AK:If I could meet anyone in the world it would be Michael Jackson. I would tell him that he has inspired me to become an anesthesiologist and care for people on a different level because of the way he was judged throughout his life.
CF. What’s your favorite sci-fi movie and what captivates about the plot?
AK:Star Wars Episode IV! I love the battle between dark and light. The theme has many theories that you can apply to the fight against light and dark in our daily lives. I have also read most of the books, so that also makes it like 5 times better!
CF. What’s the craziest thing a fan sent you or requested?
AK:Lol ummm… even though I just started cosplay, I think the craziest thing I have experienced that was actually cool in an odd way. When we were doing Phoenix Comic Con coverage a cosplay Black Dynamite ask me for my number. I never thought I would ever see a cosplay Black Dynamite… Kevvin with two V’s you’re cool 🙂
CF. What sidekick would you hire to be your personal assistant and why?
AK:The Flash so I could make him run to different countries and get me dessert every day! Mmmm… that’s my type of sidekick!
CF. What character intimidates the heck out of you, why, and when will you attempt take the challenge to portray them?
AK:Starfire because of her sexuality. Although I can take sexy photos
CF. Do you know a lot about the series you cosplay?
AK:I do know a good amount about the characters I cosplay/will be cosplaying in the future. I was a big reader when I was younger and have read a lot of the comic books of characters that I will cosplay.
CF. What’s your favorite comic con to attend and what makes it so special?
AK:I think because the Phoenix Comic Con was my first it will always be my favorite. The community of cosplayers and fans out here are awesome and really make it to be a fun event.
CF. What comic con’s are definitely attending this year?
AK:Well I would attend as many as possible if nursing school wasn’t ruining my life, but hopefully later in the year we can do Atlanta or something besides Phoenix!
CF. What’s one thing you wish fans wouldn’t do?
AK:Sometimes you get really creepy fans that you would like to tell not to be creepy… but you can’t cure creepy lol.
CF. Who was your favorite character to portray and what rocked about it?
AK:I am looking forward to being Starfire because I want to create the costume and make her my own!
CF. How do you keep cosplay fun?
AK:I work with Cosplay Fanatic 🙂 They keep me up to date with the good stuff.
CF. Where can new fans go to follow you?
AK:@ari_kiri on Twitter or on facebook search for Reaia Ari Reaves.
CF. Other than this interview, what’s the craziest thing you agreed to do?
AK:Nursing school… lol
CF. In your opinion what’s the meaning of life?
AK:To enjoy yourself and do good for others along the way <3

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